2023 WIPP Business
Women Business Owners Can Do!
NOV 27-30, 2023
Philadelphia, PA
Uniting the nation’s leading business diversity organizations and Government Agencies, NBIC Unity Week is a celebration of diversity, opportunity, equity, inclusion and collaboration. Attendees will receive access to exclusive dayside programming focused on building unprecedented success for diverse communities in the United States and around the globe.
WBENC Programming (by invitation)
WBENC Programming (by invitation)
1:00 PM - 5:00 PM | WIPP Programming:
Brand Mastery: Ignite Your Influence, aka "I'm Kind of a Big Deal"
Presenter: Kim Bode
Learn how to build and sustain a powerful personal brand that positions you as a respected leader in your industry. Effectively communicate your unique value, strengthen your online presence, and unlock opportunities for growth and success. Don't miss this incredibly entertaining session to empower you to take charge of your brand and amplify your voice.
Access to Capital Panel of Lenders
Presenters: Angela Dingle, Teresa Moon, Zoe Combs, and Sonia Smith
Access to Capital is the lifeblood of setting up, growing, and maintaining any small business. Historically, Women-owned small businesses have a more difficult time deciding on a business loan and then accessing it. This session will help you understand the available programs to assist women-owned small businesses in accessing the necessary capital.
Pending Health Care Reform and PBM (Pharmacy Benefit Managers)
Presenter: Scott Woods
There has been a significant shift in health care costs to the patient in the form of deductibles and coinsurance. This results in Americans spending more money in out-of-pocket costs than they could afford. This session addresses the Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBM) and their role in the increasing rise in healthcare costs.
WOSB Program Update
Presenters: Alisa Sheard and Courtney Fairchild
A small business needs expertise in many areas of their business but can’t always afford a full-time staff to execute these ‘Back Office’ positions. This session helps you define and determine your back office needs and find the contract person that is right for your company.
Funding Fundamentals for your GovCon Lifecycle
Presenter: Teresa Moon
Creating financial stability and knowing what you can access within each growth stage regarding capital is paramount to your success in government contracting. In this session, we will discuss developing a plan to fund your growth, accessing the money you need when needed, and the options available within each stage of your journey! We will work together to create peace of mind in your business development endeavors with the confidence that if you win it, you can fund it.
Tips for GSA Multiple Award Schedule Compliance and Success
Presenter: Courtney Fairchild
Once you understand the GSA Multiple Award Schedule and how it works, you will want to strengthen your understanding with advanced tips for success and compliance. This session dives deeper into the GSA schedule by providing tips on various GSA issues, such as managing your contract vehicle to keep up to date for potential opportunities, how to market correctly, and overall Contract Compliance.
Unlock the Power of AI: Elevate Your Women-Owned Business with Game-Changing Technology
Presenter: Deborah Diller
Adapting AI-powered technology has become imperative for all firms in today's rapidly evolving technological landscape. By leveraging the capabilities of AI, women-owned business owners can offer unprecedented insights, data-driven recommendations, and tailored strategies to their clients. Join us to delve deeper into the transformative world of AI and its profound influence on our clientele. Through an engaging, interactive talk, explore how we can harness cutting-edge technological advancements to bring unparalleled value and innovation to those we serve. Leave equipped with the assurance to converse about AI with your clients, positioning you ahead in the competitive landscape.
6:00 PM – 7:30 PM WBENC & Unity Week Reception
WBENC Programming (by invitation)
WIPP Programming
Unity Week Programming:
7:45 AM - 5:30 PM | Registration & Help Desk Open
8:30 AM - 10:15 AM | Breakfast & Opening Plenary Session
The Impact of Women-Owned Businesses
Presenters: Angela Dingle, Judith Goldkrand, Julie Rothhouse, and Geri Stengel
Join us for a panel discussion on The Wells Fargo 2023 Impact of Women-Owned Businesses. This inaugural report chronicles the economic upheaval caused by COVID-19 and how it opened opportunities for women to launch new businesses and grow their existing businesses. The report highlights the impact of gender, race, business size, industry, and geography. It aims to explain the causes that underlie the patterns. The WIPP Education Institute is proud to partner with Wells Fargo, Ventureneer, and CoreWoman to bring this critical research to the forefront. Attendees will learn how the data can be used to help unleash the untapped potential of women business owners to grow the U.S. economy, create jobs, increase innovation, and build wealth.
Future of Federal Contracting and the SBA 8a Program
Presenter: Katie Wonnenberg
State and Federal economic policies and regulations impact a small business’s health and growth. It is imperative for a small business to become aware of the policy being promoted and to be active in strengthening the impact of economic opportunities through non-partisan participation. This session teaches you decisive steps you can take as a small business owner to provide valuable feedback to your elected officials, safeguarding the best rules and regulations for success.
10:15 AM - 10:30 AM | Break
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM | Plenary Breakout Session
Understanding SBA 8a and How to Draft Your Application Narrative
AI Revolution Isn't Coming, It's Here: What You Need to Know to Stay Relevant
Joint Corporate Council Meeting (invitation only)
12:00 PM - 1:45 PM | Plenary Luncheon
Dept. of Commerce Economic Development Agency and What it Means to You
1:45 PM - 2:00 PM | Break
2:00 PM - 5:00 PM | Unity Week MatchMakers
2:00 PM - 5:00 PM | Ted Talk Sessions
Essential Pre-Contract Strategies for Corporate Engagement
Presenter: Amy Rowland
Whether you are a small business owner venturing into your first corporate contract or a seasoned professional, this session will equip you with the tools and insights to streamline your pre-contract processes and position your business for success. You'll gain the know-how to navigate the pre-contractual landscape easily and quickly, gaining a strategic edge in your corporate engagements.
Navigating Global Frontiers: Expanding Your Service Business Internationally
Presenter: Lisa Brunet
Expanding your business internationally can be rewarding but also challenging. In this session, you will learn about key steps and considerations to consider when expanding your service business globally.
Blank Canvas Strategic Planning
Presenter: Sue Tellier
It’s year-end. Savvy business leaders are building their 2024 strategy, and everyone has an idea for the best way. Business books repackage the one-page strategic plan in different ways. This forms the ‘how’ you’ll operate in 2024. However, let’s challenge ourselves together on the ‘what’ we will do before we get to the ‘how.’ Come prepared to think differently and creatively during this session to determine your ‘what’ for 2024. Required materials: an open mind, a willingness to think creatively, a blank sheet of paper, and a writing utensil.
How to Pitch Your Business in 90 Seconds
Presenter: Gloria Larkin
Everywhere you meet influencers, decision-makers, potential clients, prime contractors, and teaming partners, telling a memorable, compelling story about what you do, for whom, and why you are different (and better) than your competition is critical. Gloria Larkin’s company, TargetGov, has helped her clients win over $ 10 billion in contracts—and everyone started with learning this powerful 90-second, six-sentence elevator-style pitch.
Increasing Cross-Cultural Communication
Presenter: Dottie Li
During this presentation, you will learn the tools to use to increase your communication capacity, which includes translation, interpretation, and ASL, and how to get your message out effectively while ensuring that Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) is achieved at the same time.
You Have a Meeting With An OSDBU - What's Next
Presenter: Lynn Petrazzuolo
Sometimes, there is a disconnect between an Agency Program Office and the Small Business Office, resulting in missed opportunities for small businesses. You have done everything you’ve been told to do, such as Submitting Sources Sought and engaging in Capability Briefings. Yet, the Program Officers stay connected to only the businesses they know. This session will explore how businesses can work with the OSDBUs to help them help us.
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM | NaVOBA Best Corporations Reception (by invitation)
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM | Unity Week Reception
7:45 AM - 12:00 PM | Registration & Help Desk Open
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM | Continental Breakfast
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM |Unity Week Breakout Sessions Block 2
GovCon Session
Presenters: Katie Wonnenberg, Calvin Mitchell, and Alisa Sheard
For small and diverse businesses, government contracting can serve as a pipeline for business growth, capital access, and job creation. This session aims to explore ways that small business owners can engage with federal contracting programs, including the Women-Owned Small Business Program (WOSB), Economically Disadvantaged Women-Owned Small Business Program (ED/WOSB), and more programs that support underserved businesses, and how these programs can be effective tools for growth.
10:30 AM - 10:45 AM | Break
10:45 AM | Plenary Doors Open
11:00 AM - 2:00 PM | Best-of-the-Best Event (by invitation)
2:15 PM - 3:15 PM | Best-of-the-Best Awardee Photo Opportunity (by invitation)
The WIPP Business Summit is part of Unity Week 2023 with participating organizations: